raymond myles gospel singer

Raymond Myles was born into challenging circumstances, but from a young age, he harbored a strong ambition to become a gospel singer. It seemed like this desire was aligned with a higher calling, as he believed God had a similar plan for him. However, his journey was far from easy, marked by rejection and opposition from various quarters, including his own community. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Raymond’s unwavering determination touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving a profound impact on them.

To fully understand the essence of Raymond’s life, it’s important to delve into the struggles he endured, as well as his later years leading up to his passing.

How did things start for Raymond Myles?

Raymond Myles the gifted gospel singer and son of renowned gospel singer Christine Myles, grew up in the St. Bernard housing projects with an unyielding determination to break free from the shackles of poverty.

From a young age, he discovered his true calling in gospel music, and it was evident that he possessed a remarkable vocal talent.

Raymond’s gospel career began at a young age when he recorded a single titled “Prayer From a 12-Year-Old Boy.”

The song carried a powerful message, urging for world peace and an end to the Vietnam War, and it garnered significant popularity in the southern United States.

Known for his astonishingly powerful voice and captivating showmanship, Raymond’s stage presence was compared to that of legendary entertainer Liberace. However, beyond the glitz and glamour, there was a deeper essence to his performances.

He was not just a showman; he was a messenger, a prophet, and a healer. Listening to Raymond’s soulful music left an indelible mark on anyone fortunate enough to hear him sing.

In his pursuit of pushing gospel music forward, Raymond Myles was never confined by the genre’s conventions.

He took charge of his choir, the Raymond Anthony Myles Singers, affectionately known as RAMS, and molded them into a formidable ensemble equally at ease performing in churches or gracing festival stages worldwide.

Recognizing the extraordinary talent in Raymond, music producer, and writer Sacks was immediately drawn to his music.

Raymond’s soul-stirring melodies spoke to Sacks in a profound way, and he felt compelled to help deliver Raymond’s musical message to a broader audience.

Music Career & Rejection

As he grew, his energy-filled performances and undeniable talent made him a local favorite, and he gained a devoted following in New Orleans and throughout the southern United States and Europe with his choir, the RAMS (Raymond Anthony Myles Singers).

One of his notable recordings was the live album “Heaven Is the Place,” released the previous year, which featured a captivating blend of original songs and reimagined gospel classics. Billboard magazine highly praised the album, recognizing Raymond’s immense potential to break into the mainstream music scene.

Raymond’s popularity continued to rise as he performed at prestigious events like the Ben & Jerry’s Newport Folk Festival in Newport, R.I., and the renowned New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.

He even had the opportunity to share the stage with illustrious artists such as Al Green, Patti LaBelle, and Aretha Franklin. His talents extended beyond gospel, as he was invited to perform as an opening act for Harry Connick Jr. at New York’s Madison Square Garden in 1992.

Thus began their creative collaboration, leading to the production of Raymond’s 1995 album “A Taste of Heaven,” which became a significant milestone in both their personal and professional lives.

The rejection

Despite their efforts, the album faced resistance from gospel labels. Pop, R&B, and even gospel record companies failed to see the marketability of Raymond Myles and his music.

The reason cited was particularly disheartening; they expressed concern that Raymond’s perceived sexual orientation would alienate evangelical fans of gospel music.

For Raymond, this rejection was devastating.

He couldn’t fathom how his private life could impact his destiny as an artist. With genuine talent and strong Christian faith, he questioned why he couldn’t be accepted as a child of God regardless of his personal life.

While facing these challenges in the music industry, Raymond found solace and purpose in being a music teacher at Marion Abramson Senior High in New Orleans East.

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Through his role as an educator, he served as a guiding force, steering his students away from the dangers of the streets.

To his students, he was a surrogate parent, a big brother, and a trusted confidant. Raymond often inspired them with the empowering belief that “When God is with you, can’t nothing be against you.”

Raymond Myles’s life and music continue to inspire, even in the face of adversity and rejection.

His legacy is one of unwavering dedication to his art, a fearless trailblazer who challenged norms in gospel music, and a compassionate mentor to the youth he touched with his musical talents and profound wisdom.

Though he left this world far too soon, his voice and spirit live on, leaving an everlasting impact on those who were fortunate to experience the brilliance of Raymond Myles, the gospel singer extraordinaire.

Gospel Singer Raymond Myles dies at 41

His life was cut short when he was found dead, having succumbed to multiple gunshot wounds, on a street corner in an unfortunate incident.

At the moment, authorities had to identify a suspect or a motive for the killing and were actively searching for a missing sport-utility vehicle connected to the case.

Apart from his music career, Raymond Myles was dedicated to nurturing the next generation of musicians and served as the choir director at Abramson High School in New Orleans.

With his lively performances and extraordinary musical gifts, Raymond Myles was destined for success on a grand scale. His record label, NYNO Records, held high hopes for his future, believing he was on the verge of becoming a national and international sensation. Unfortunately, fate had other plans, and his untimely death left behind a void in the world of gospel music, robbing us of witnessing the full realization of his immense talent.


In conclusion, Raymond A. Myles’s life was a testament to the power of passion and perseverance.

From his humble beginnings to his rise as a beloved gospel singer, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of sharing his musical gifts with the world. Despite facing obstacles and prejudice, Raymond’s talent and charisma shone brightly, touching the lives of those who heard him sing.

Tragically, his promising journey was cut short, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire and resonate.

Raymond’s unwavering dedication to his craft, his uplifting performances, and his profound impact on audiences remind us of the enduring power of music to transcend barriers and touch hearts.

As we remember this gifted artist, let us carry forward his spirit of resilience and passion, cherishing his music and the message it conveys for generations to come.