David Funk

David Funk, a passionate musician and a member of the band “Gable Price and Friends,” & Bethel Music shares an intimate glance into his life, musical journey, and the lessons that have shaped him.

Early Life

David Funk hails from Gainesville, Georgia. At the heart of his family is Lily, his wife, and their six-month-old son, Miles. David’s foray into music began with strong familial ties. His father, a talented pianist, played an instrumental role in David’s budding passion for the keys. As a member of their church’s worship team, David’s father was his first inspiration, leading him to believe that playing the piano was one of the coolest things one could do.

Stepping Stones to Passion

David’s religious upbringing nurtured his musical prowess. Like many worship leaders, he began his musical journey in the church youth group. It wasn’t long before he started playing the keys and subsequently took the helm as a worship leader. During these formative years, David met Ross, a good friend from the same youth group.

Their shared passion for worship led them to initiate the “Secret Place” – a gathering held in Ross’ basement every Saturday night. What began as an intimate assembly of a few friends soon blossomed into larger gatherings of high school students, all coming together to worship.

In the humble settings of Ross’ basement, David felt the Lord’s touch profoundly. It was here that David not only honed his practical skills, like leading a band but also understood the true heart of worship.

This dual journey of skill-building and spiritual awakening laid the foundation for David’s profound connection with music and worship.

Challenges and Realizations

However, with passion, sometimes come challenges. As David moved into a more professional sphere of music, he became distant from the church and found himself without spiritual guidance or a pastoral cover.

The music, which was supposed to be a medium to connect with the divine, began to overshadow the true essence of worship.

The love for perfection in the art form started to strain his relationship with fellow musicians.

Two pivotal moments catalyzed David’s realization about his drift from the core of worship.

The first was during a soundcheck with close friends where they highlighted David’s demanding nature, which stemmed from his obsession with musical perfection.

This honest feedback was a gentle wake-up call.

The second, more profound realization came when he was at a ministry school in Reading.

A conversation with his worship pastor reminded David that while music was pivotal, it wasn’t the ultimate. The pastor’s words, “Music isn’t King here,” struck a chord with David. It made him confront the fact that he had, unintentionally, put music above all else, even his faith.

Spiritual Renaissance

These moments of introspection steered David towards scriptures that rekindled his spiritual connection. Psalms 139, which emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and seeking God’s path, became David’s guiding light. Another key scripture was Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well in John 4.

Jesus’ emphasis that God seeks worshipers, not just worship, reinforced David’s belief in the importance of the worshiper’s heart and spirit over mere musical perfection.

California Dreaming

David’s journey westward to California has brought with it a host of new experiences and perspectives. His favorite aspects of the Golden State? Its breathtaking beauty, a stark contrast to Georgia, and the close-knit community he found at Bethel. A sense of camaraderie, both familiar and fresh, anchors his Californian adventure.

A Passion for Music

David’s love for music traces back to his early years. Inspired by his father, a pianist, he began piano lessons at eight or nine. But it was during his teenage years that his musical journey took a turn toward worship. Leading the youth group ‘Fusion’ in worship and later co-founding a Bible study called ‘Secret Place,’ David discovered the profound heart of worship. It was in the intimate settings of a friend’s basement, surrounded by fellow believers, where David honed his skills and deepened his connection to worship.

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His favorite songs to lead and play provide a window into his musical soul. From “Jesus You’re Beautiful” by John Thurlow, which he loves to lead, to bass-centric “It’s Not Safe” by his own band and the soulful “Lion and the Lamb” by Bethel/Leeland on the keys – each tune reflects a piece of his journey.

Collaborative Dreams and Memories

When prompted about his dream collaboration, David humorously brings out fellow musician Paul McClure but ultimately reveals his aspirations to work with iconic artists like Bono or Chris Martin from Coldplay.

Recalling memories from his music career, David fondly reminisces about the night of his first single, “Touch of Heaven.” It was a unique worship night, marked by lengthy singing sessions, memorable co-leaders, and even an unfortunate bout of food poisoning. But the love for music and the energy of the community shines through as the defining elements of the night.

A Humble Note to Part On

In a world filled with noise, opinions, and the constant struggle to find oneself, David leaves us with a piece of hard-earned wisdom: “Don’t take yourself too seriously. Stay soft with the Lord and with people. It’s easy to think you’re right all the time, but often, you’re not.”

Humble, passionate, and grounded, David Funk exemplifies a journey of faith, music, and continuous learning. His story serves as a testament to the power of community, the pull of one’s roots, and the transformative journey of music.

FAQs: David Funk’s Journey of Faith and Music

1. Where did David Funk grow up?

Gainesville, Georgia is David Funk’s hometown. It’s where his musical and spiritual journey began, deeply influenced by his family and surroundings.

2. What role did David’s father play in his musical journey?

David’s father was a talented pianist who played in their church’s worship team. He was a significant inspiration for David, prompting him to learn the keys and dive into the world of music.

3. Who is “Ross” in David’s life?

Ross is a good friend David met in his church youth group. Together, they initiated the “Secret Place” – a Saturday night worship gathering in Ross’ basement that attracted many high school students.

4. What is the “Secret Place”?

The “Secret Place” was an initiative started by David and his friend Ross. Initially, it began as a small gathering of friends in Ross’ basement, eventually growing to welcome a larger group of high school students for worship sessions.

5. How did David’s professional music journey affect his faith?

As David delved deeper into professional music, he became distant from the church and lacked spiritual guidance. Gradually, the art of music began overshadowing his fundamental relationship with worship, leading him to prioritize musical perfection over the essence of worship.

6. How did David’s friends feel about his obsession with musical perfection?

During a soundcheck with close friends, they highlighted David’s demanding nature and his focus on musical perfection. This feedback served as a wake-up call, making him realize the strain he was putting on his relationships.

7. What pivotal moment in Reading had a profound impact on David Funk?

While at a ministry school in Reading, David’s worship pastor pointed out his visible frustration during a soundcheck. After David vented his concerns, the pastor reminded him that “Music isn’t King here”, making David confront the misplaced priorities in his life.

8. Which scripture guided David through his introspection?

Psalms 139 became a beacon for David. It emphasizes self-awareness, seeking God’s path, and the importance of opening oneself to God’s guidance.

9. How does Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well in John 4 relate to David’s journey?

In the conversation, Jesus emphasizes that God seeks worshipers, not just worship. This scripture reinforced David’s belief in the importance of the worshiper’s heart and spirit over mere musical perfection.

10. Who is David Funk married to?

David is married to Lily. Together, they have a son named Miles.

11. At what age did David start playing music?

David began his musical journey around the age of eight or nine, inspired by his father’s talent as a pianist.

12. How did David start leading worship?

David began leading worship around the 10th grade. He led his youth group called Fusion, and along with his friend, initiated a Bible study group called “Secret Place” where they worshipped God together in a friend’s basement.

13. What is David’s favorite song to lead?

David’s favorite song to lead is “Jesus, You’re Beautiful” by John Thurlow.

14. Is David a part of any band?

Yes, David is a part of the band called “Gable Price and Friends”.

15. How did David’s relationship with music evolve over time?

David’s journey began with a deep love for music inspired by his father. As he ventured into the professional sphere, he faced challenges where the love for musical perfection started overshadowing the core essence of worship. However, introspection and spiritual guidance brought him back to balancing skill and spirit.

16. How important is the spirit and heart of the worshiper?

According to David, while musical excellence or truth is important, the spirit and heart of the worshiper hold equal significance. The genuine spirit and intent of worship matter just as much, if not more, to God.

17. What advice does David offer based on his experiences?

David believes it’s vital not to take oneself too seriously. He emphasizes the importance of staying soft with the Lord and with people, recognizing that it’s easy to assume we’re always right when, in fact, most of the time we’re not.